Affiliate Office Application

Dear Real Estate Friends, We would like to invite you to become an Affiliate Member of the Southwest Louisiana Association of Realtors®. As an Affiliate Member of Realtor® family the following are just a few benefits available on a local level.
Affiliate Membership Benefits
SWALR New Website: Access the latest information through the new website, including the logo, direct links, and contact details.
Enhanced Company Visibility: Showcase your company cards and brochures in the designated area (NEW feature).
Affiliate Advertising Wall: Feature your logo on the Affiliate Advertising Wall in the SWLAR Training Room (NEW opportunity).
Training Room Benefits: Enjoy discounted rates for training room rental.
Agent Networking: Receive a quarterly emailed list of agent contacts.
Membership Updates: Stay informed with a quarterly list of new SWLAR members.
Market Insights: Emailed quarterly market statistics.
Networking Events: Attend New Member Meet and Greets, participate in Wake Up Wednesday, and receive invites to GMM and Expo opportunities.
Premier Event Access: Get invitations to all SWLAR top events and Committee gatherings.
Committee Engagement: Explore opportunities to join various SWLAR Committees.
Sponsorship and Advertising Opportunities: Enhance your visibility through various sponsorship and advertising options.
Health Insurance Advantage: Receive a group rate on the SWLAR Association Health Insurance Program.
Advocacy: If your company does business in any real estate-related field, then any government actions affecting real estate also impact you. The LARPAT Legislative Team helps protect your industry and gives you the industry a voice.
Recognition: You are eligible for the Affiliate of the Year award and Affiliate Office Award.
Affiliate Membership provides numerous opportunities to those involved in the real estate industry, the most important being face-to-face contact with those with whom you may develop a working relationship. As a recognized Affiliate Member, your investment in membership with SWLAR entitles you to these membership benefits from our local Association.
Only those added as members have access to Affiliate Membership Benefits.
An Affiliate can request membership to the SWLAR Affiliate’s throughout the calendar year; the rate is not pro-rated. Renewal contracts will not be automatically renewed. SWLAR will send annually a new contract to each of the current Affiliate members; Affiliates must complete and return to SWLAR with payment. If SWLAR office does not have BOTH contract and payment the Affiliate will not be considered in good standing or on the roster of Affiliates.